November 16, 2011

'King Of Tokyo' Review

The King Of Tokyo board game arrived yesterday and I immediately popped it out of the box (together with 3 other board games). Reading through the short and straightforward rulebook, we started the game with 6 players and was on our way to having a great gaming night. However, after 2 games, we all found the game not as fun as we had expected.

(Image taken from BoardGameGeek user, Daniel Danzer)

My Thoughts On The Game
One main reason is that everything is dependent on the luck factor of the dice. You can make some strategic choices, especially when considering when to enter and exit Tokyo, what cards to buy, and the powerful combination that the cards provide for your monster. However, one of the players said after the game was over, "This game is so luck based that even healing relies on luck." After hearing what she said, I could not help but agree.

If you like luck based game with social interaction and you don't care too much about winning or losing, this game is for you. For a family that has children, this game will be a blast. With a gaming group that's older and more analytical, this game falls into a filler game with some interesting combo obtained through cards. Is it fun? It depends entirely on the people in the gaming group.

Overall gaming experience: C

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